Alkohol Skapar Otrygghet (Alcohol Causes Unsafety)

For my Degree Project I illustrated three campaign posters, as well as presenting visual materials, including Instagram posts for an entirely fictional campaign run by IOGT-NTO featuring BRIS as a collaborator. The goal of the project was to raise awareness and inform my target audience about the unsafe environment an adult's abuse of alcohol causes to children.
Were you aware? According to The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN), every fifth child in Sweden grows up in a household with alcohol problems.
At the very beginning of 2024, BRIS released an article stating they received a record amount of calls made by children; a number increased by 13% compared to the year before during the same period of the year around winter break season. These phone calls involved calls for help regarding the children's parents' large consumption of alcohol in relation to Christmas and New Year celebrations. The adults' irresponsibility and their changing behaviours by alcohol have caused discomfort and fear at many households. A number of other calls involved topics such as mental illnesses and questions regarding depression, anxiety and suicide. Children would also mention family conflicts and all types of abuse they had to suffer.
Our society has a common understanding of the negative consequences caused to children by alcohol abuse. However, it is an issue that continuously must be raised for the sake of ensuring a safe and secure upbringing of children of all ages by listening to the ones who are in need of help.