An often overlooked part of art history is the radical graphic design of the 1960’s and 1970’s counter culture and the alternative press. Despite common portrayals as amateurs, the editors and designers used sophisticated visual practices, challenging mainstream media conventions and exploring artistic boundaries. Through strategies like montage, détournement, and deskilling they challenged traditional notions of expertise and cultural authority. My book titeled ”PIG” is a celebration of these designers serving as a comfortable collection of design from the radical press. The aim with this is to expose previously unaware audiences to their graphic brilliance and radical messages, serving as a spring board for further exploration into the visual world of the counter culture. The book measures 17 x 24.5cm and spans 90 pages. Within it are articles kindly provided by Jessie Kindig and Katie Anstas as a part of the Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium at the University of Washington as well as articles directly extracted from counter cultural newspapers to give both a contemporary and a historic perspective on the movement. The Images are sourced from JSTOR’s open collection ”Independent Voices” as a part of Reveal Digital under the license of Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial.