When it comes to food, it can surely be said that this ranks high among human priorities. However, despite our extensive discussions about food, we talk too little about what constitutes our food. This may sound peculiar, but it is precisely this assertion that I find interesting to explore.
In my design project, I have created a cookbook titled "OMTANKE" with the aim of inspiring the recipient to engage in the green transition. The book focuses on the use of sustainable ingredients that are seasonal and primarily produced in Denmark. The main message is to encourage thoughtful consideration when selecting ingredients. Additionally, the book provides relevant information about the different ingredients and their role in addressing current climate consequences associated with food production. Finally, the book offers practical advice on how to contribute to the green transition in daily life. Most importantly, the book is relatable, informal, and transparent in its communication. All of this is to connect with the recipient, who is the younger generation wanting to participate in the green transition but struggling to understand how to approach it.
Above all, the book meets the recipient on their level, and hopefully, it will encourage more focus on choosing ingredients thoughtfully in the future.